

Did you know? There are approximately 586 million women in India (Census 2011). Among those women, there are nearly 117 million women suffering with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Despite having such a massive influence, why is that awareness regarding PCOS is almost non-existent? Why are people much more concerned with diseases such as Diabetes, IBS, …

The PCOS/PCOD challenge and how to overcome it? Read More »

Osteoporosis is a common disease that makes bones thinner, which makes them more likely to fracture. These fractures can lead to different health problems like, pain, stooped posture or trouble moving around. It is natural to lose some amount of bone density over the years, as age progresses. Which is why there are no symptoms …

Osteoporosis and how to survive it? Read More »

Diabetes is the most common condition people approach me with. People often carry with them pre-existing misconceptions and their own beliefs and solutions of those already incorrect delusions. Consulting a client who is living with diabetes is never an easy task, rather I would say prescribing the diet is relatively the simpler part of the …

Diabetes – A Blackhole or A Mount Everest Read More »