
Nutrition Programs

Weight Loss

A complete program to guide you on your weight loss journey. Be it fat loss or inch loss, this diet wont let you down

Weight Gain

Best program for gaining weight in the healthiest way possible. Don’t eat like a glutton, just eat intelligently

PCOS Management

One of the most requested diet. It has worked wonders for many, and it will do the same for you

Diabetes Management

Our diets have given almost miraculous results which leaves both patients and doctors in disbelief. We assure your victory against diabetes

Osteoporosis Management

This program is specifically designed to strengthen your bone density and ensure a long lasting and healthy bone structure without compromise.

Thyroid Management

A well crafted diet, specifically made to cater clients who are battling with thyroid. A practical program which is backed by science to ensure results.

Diet for Cancer

During a battle with Cancer we make sure that we are with you at every step of the way to ensure there are no nutrition related holes.

Immunity Boosting

Healthy body and healthy mind means absence of diseases and viruses. Diet crafted to make sure your immunity stays in peak form.

Skin Care Diet

Consuming the right type of food has an immense impact on quality of skin and hair. Most problems can be mitigated through a structured diet.

Child Nutrition

Today kids are competing in grades, sports and various other extra curricular activities. To support them we must feed what is best for them.

Sports Nutrition

Individuals and team nutrition counselling and education to enhance the performance of competitive and recreational athletes

Vegan Diet

Vegan diet avoids various food groups. A healthy vegan diet should include a variety of foods to make sure all nutrient needs are met.

Heart Care

Eating a cardiac diet plan entails consuming nutrient rich food while avoiding saturated fats, trans fat and excessive sodium and sugar

Lactose Intolerant

Eating dairy free is easy, but is not the healthiest. A planned diet can help to ensure important nutrients such as calcium are not missing.


Modifying diet is the most effective way to avoid acidity and reflux. Eating less acidic and more alkaline food reduces back flow of acid.